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Yes, our clients are private companies. We do not work with the end-consumers.

We work with our Dutch partners in horticulture sector (flower, vegetable, and fruit). As a consulting company we give consulting service, organize training and coordinate / develop horticultural projects.

The entire food value chain is the value of food from the primary production via processing and trade to the end consumers (from farm to table). Effective management of the food value chain enables the demand-driven approach, generate competitive advantages and gasp the opportunity of export.

Kenlog has a vast number of partners in our business network, including private companies, knowledge institutions, and the public sector (i.e. the government).

Yes, we can give you some general advices for free. If you like to have an improvement plan, we can make a quotation for your specific situation and requirements.

No, we do not have any branch in other countries yet. However, we are very active in the global market

We organize training and develop training program according to the wishes and needs of the clients. We also give short trial training (1 – 2 weeks) with a small training budget.

Our training course is unique. Our trainees learn theories in class, practice in modelled greenhouses and visit a variety of companies in horticultural sector. Trainees will improve not only their specialized knowledge but also their soft skills such as organizational skill, information-seeking skill, and leadership skill.

Yes, it is possible if you are active in horticulture / agri-food sector We are looking for Dutch/ international/ local partners as: Property owners; Investors; Operators (growers, packers & distributors); Customers (retail, hospitals, care centers and restaurants); Knowledge institutes (training center & capacity building). Contact us and then we can discuss further.